Quote Managements
Quotation is a legally binding agreement of your company with your customer to deliver a specific product in a specified timeframe at a pre-defined price. In SAP CRM Sales Quotations are created as follow-up documents for opportunities. A quotation can be copied or converted to a sales order.How Quote Managements works?
A CRM with Quote Management is a must. Generally, a Sales Quote contains the Quote number; quote date; items with the quantities and price, and Terms & Conditions. In Sales boom CRM Quote Management Software you can create a quote directly from your CRM Quote Management System.
Key features includes
- Creating professional looking Quotes.
- Sales Quote contains the Quote number, quote date, items with the quantities and price, and Terms & Conditions.
- Categorize quoted line items with grouping capabilities.
- Creating Quotes with greater efficiency and export functionality to send to customers like PDF custom template.
- Multi-currency support helps you to Work within your preferred currency while accommodating your customer’s in their currency in the same Proposal.
- Create your own Custom Fields.
- You can make modifications to your quotations anytime.
- Generate customer Invoices from Quotations.
- Recurring items into Quote.
- Track Time-log against Quote.
- Separate Quote by multiple Rooms/Regions.
- Attach any document with your proposal and Email it along with the quote.
- Real-time statistics tracking regarding who has viewed the Proposal.